Photo from the summit of Cotopaxi, the second highest active volcano in the world!
I fundraised $12,000 for a 4 month long, highschool semester in Ecuador with an organization called Kroka!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Barefoot in the Snow

Finally!  After months of work my album is finished!
If you want to order, mail a check of $15 to 97 Kaler Rd. Belfast, ME with a return address and I will send a CD back to you!

Monday, May 23, 2011


3rd Ecuadorian Dinner

Another fantastic event.  Wonderful food, wonderful company, music.
I had a very good time.  Can't wait 'till the next one on June 18th.
Big smiles after some chocolate flan.

It is Really Happening!!

The realization that I was actually going to be doing Kroka hit about twenty times while I was visiting at the end of April.  I would look at the other kids and imagine us in the jungle, walking into an indigenous village or looking out from the top of Cotopaxi and a blossom of excitement would burst through me.  In three months I will be beginning the incredible journey that I have been preparing for for so long.  THREE MONTHS!!!  It feels like forever and nothing at the same time.