Photo from the summit of Cotopaxi, the second highest active volcano in the world!
I fundraised $12,000 for a 4 month long, highschool semester in Ecuador with an organization called Kroka!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Visiting Kroka


I am super excited because I am going to be visiting Kroka on the weekend of the 30th and I will get to meet many of the other 11 kids who are doing Kroka.  It is so strange wondering what the other kids will be like, knowing that they will become my close companions during the 4 months in Ecuador.  It will also be cool to meet our teachers.  Some are coming all the way up from Ecuador to meet the 12 of us during the weekend.

I feel like I am finally part of Kroka now.  I got a letter from Kroka with a bunch of information about our trip and how to prepare for the journey.  When I was reading the letter it suddenly hit me that I am actually going to be a part of this experience.  At the end of August I will begin the adventure that I have been preparing for and working towards for so many months.  It is still hard to comprehend and I know that meeting the kids and instructors and visiting Kroka's farm in New Hamshire will make my image of what I'm working towards even more real.

All this time I have been fundraising I have imagined what the four months will be like, using the past Semester blogs and Kroka's descriptions to fuel my excitement.  I have used the excitement to keep pushing closer to my fundraising goal, used it to work harder then I ever have before in my life and I have done so much more this year then I ever would have if I weren't doing Kroka.  It is incredible that my whole life has been shifted by a single choice that seemed crazy at the time.  The choice to raise $12,000 dollars for a four month journey into the heart of another land.

I have a long ways to go in my fundraising but with the support of all the amazing people in my community I know I can make it.

Thank you everyone for helping make this crazy, life-changing decision seem not nearly as crazy. 


1 comment:

  1. Clayton,

    I'm glad all your hard work is getting you closer and closer to your goal. Also, I hope the weekend at Kroka went well!

