Photo from the summit of Cotopaxi, the second highest active volcano in the world!
I fundraised $12,000 for a 4 month long, highschool semester in Ecuador with an organization called Kroka!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

 Hello everyone,

I have a delightfully long fundraising to-do list, full of projects, people to contact, events to organize, and much more.  On one hand it is great to have so many ideas and ways to raise money but on the other hand my school studies and artistic passions are being squeezed into smaller and smaller bits of the day.  I am also having to sacrifice much enjoying of the winter wonderland. . . which is what I'm sacrificing right now, though I'll be taking a break when a friend arrives in a short while.
I am in quite the optimistic mood at the moment.  Maybe it's the swirling snow outside my window.  Or the warmth of our wood stove slipping between the floorboards to warm my feet.
I learned some exciting fundraising tricks at Ultimate Frisbee last night and I was informed of a really promising grant which gives money to young people to help them reach their dreams.


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