Photo from the summit of Cotopaxi, the second highest active volcano in the world!
I fundraised $12,000 for a 4 month long, highschool semester in Ecuador with an organization called Kroka!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Invasion of blond-headed relatives

Buenas Noches,

Brothers, cousins, friends, and I enjoying this wonderful winter.
For the past week, our neighborhood has been overrun by an army of little blond boys. My Aunt and Uncle came up from Virginia for a surprise visit this past week, bringing their four boys (add that to my family and you have 7 blond boys on the loose) and two dogs to enjoy the Maine weather. I took a bit of a break from fundraising and spent the week snowboarding, skiing and "dog-sledding." The dog-sledding involved harnessing their dogs, Moose and Bear, and having them pull us at exhilarating speeds to reach Uncle Matt and his pocket full of treats. Moose had to go before Bear because if Bear caught up, he would nip at Moose's ears and the sled ride would halt in a tangle of leashes and wrestling dogs.

Our cousins were lucky to have come up during such an amazing winter. It feels like forever since we had such a deep snow layer.  It makes it difficult, exhausting, and rather fun (for a while) to try and walk anywhere.  Our sledding hill is so icy that hitting the jump sends you flying in a fantastic arc during which, time slows down and see your entire to-do list flash before your eyes.  The landing has never been fatal, but it's probably best to quit while we're ahead and demolish the jump with a sledgehammer.

Fundraising News
I have been organizing a Fundraiser Snowshoe for February 25th led by Jon Wescott.
I am planning on sending out the fundraising letter this week.
My piano teacher is helping me find a job playing church music which I'm exited about.  Not only will it help my raise money but it will help so much with my sight-reading and I will get a ton of performance experience. I really hope it works out.

There is much more that I am doing but this is enough info for one post.
Thanks for reading.

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